From 1 April 2019, 16 natural therapies were excluded from private health insurance rebates. This decision was informed by the 2014–15 review of the Australian Government Rebate on Natural Therapies for Private Health Insurance (2014–15 Review).
Since the last review in 2014–15, additional evidence on the clinical effectiveness of these therapies has been identified by the NHMRC. A 2019–20 review was instigated to look at the additional evidence and advise if private health insurance should cover any of the therapies, including Kinesiology.
A submission was completed on 23rd October, 2020 by a group of volunteers from both the Australian Institute of Kinesiologists Ltd. and the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. as stakeholders for the 2019-20 Natural Therapies Review, Tranche 2 being conducted by the Australian Government Department of Health.
In summary the Natural Therapies Review Board had requested: ‘Studies on the clinical effectiveness of the natural therapies in preventing and/or treating health conditions, disease or injuries in humans. This includes whole-system, multi-component practice and may include components of the therapy (i.e. tools of the trade)’ . Only peer reviewed published scientific research studies were eligible for consideration in the review.
As there are very few peer reviewed published whole-system kinesiology studies, additional citations were chosen to represent the components or tools of kinesiology, such as acupressure as an example. Our working party identified just under 100 citations that were thought to meet all the selection criteria. Please note that the references are yet to be assessed by the Natural Therapies Review Board and practitioners are advised from making any claims.
Click here to view the 2020 combined AIK Ltd and AKA Inc. submission.
Three years later, evidence reviewers for the Kinesiology submission were meant to have been implemented by March 2022 and as at the latest August 2023 meetings outcomes, it was expected to have completed the Kinesiology evidence review by the end of August 2023. At this stage, no further information about its completion has been offered nor has there been any notifications of the next outcomes meeting. You can view each of the update meetings minutes of the expert advisory panel here.
Whilst the wheels of beaurocracy in this matter have been turning at a frustratingly slow pace, the AKA Inc and the AIK Ltd. are still involved in the process and will keep members informed of any outcomes. It is safe to say however, that it is not a Fait Accompli that health rebates will be returned to the Kinesiology profession.
There is however, things that all practitioners can do to further put pressure on the government and the NHMRC to provide all members of our community choices in their personal healthcare. Enter the Your Health, Your Choice campaign.
The Your Health, Your Choice campaign has been instigated to call a Senate Inquiry into bias against natural therapies and why Government-funded reports have ignored positive evidence repeatedly and is supported by the AKA Inc and numerous other Complementary Healthcare Associations.
Click here to view the Your Health, Your Choice campaign website to learn more, sign the petition and to access resources to inform you clients of what they can do to reclaim their personal choice options in healthcare.
It will take all professions and the community as a united front to reclaim personal choices in healthcare that we all deserve.