AKA Inc. Position Statement

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COVID-19: Queensland Kinesiology Community

Update from 22 November 2021 The AKA Inc. have always cited government guidelines when advising our members during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we currently understand, as per current Queensland government directives, Queensland kinesiology practitioners working in a health care setting in any capacity are required to be fully vaccinated with an authorised COVID-19 vaccine, or […]


Information for our Kinesiology community As we see the corona virus pandemic increasingly affecting our day to day lives here in Australia, it is important that kinesiology practitioners and students, clinic operators and clinic owners are taking measures to minimise risk to themselves and the public.  Perhaps more importantly, the concern and uncertainty of the […]

COVID-19: Victorian Kinesiology Community

When the Victorian Government announce a lockdown the following restrictions generally apply. There are only five reasons to leave home: to get food and supplies exercise, for up to two hours and no more than 5kms from your home work or education if you can’t do it from home care and caregiving getting vaccinated at […]

COVID-19: NSW Kinesiology Community

Kinesiologists in NSW are currently allowed to work face to face. All businesses in NSW can find out what they need to know at Service NSW: Restrictions: Listed businesses not allowed to open: COVID Safe Plan: Register as a COVID Safe Business: QR Code: You will be emailed once you […]

Infection Control Units

As health practitioners, kinesiologists are expected to be familiar with and implement infection control guidelines; it is a government requirement that we must demonstrate a COVIDSafe Plan, to help prevent the introduction of coronavirus (COVID-19) to the workplace. As of 25th December 2020, the unit HLTINFCOV001, is listed as an elective in the Diploma of Kinesiology, HLT52415.  For clarity, […]