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You need to login to the website and click Dashboard at the top right hand corner of the page. There you will find a button to renew your membership. Click the button and follow the prompts to renew.
You are required to have current professional indemnity insurance, a current first aid certificate and fulfil requirements for 20 continuing professional education (CPE) points per membership year. More information can be found here.
AKA membership is for 12 months from 1st July to 30th June annually.
We do have options! Give us a call or send us an email to discuss what we can do for you.
Let's have a chat. Letting your membership lapse for too long may result in you having to reapply to become a member, however get in contact to see what we can do for you.
It is valid for 3 years from the date the certificate is issued.
It is not a mandatory requirement to update it yearly, however it is recommended to keep your skills current. If you do complete a CPR course, you can claim 4 CPE points.
Ensure you are using the same email address that you used when registering to become a member. If you have forgotten your password, select 'Forgot Password' when logging in and you will receive an email instructing you how to reset it. If you need assistance contact us in business hours and we would be happy to help.
Yes you can upgrade at any time. Our membership fees are pro-rata depending on the time of year you apply.
A minimum of 20 CPE points are required each year.
Yes, up to 20 CPE points may be carried over. With 20 points carried over, you will not have to submit CPE for the following year.
There is a maximum of 40 CPE points, where 20 of those points will satisfy the current year and the remaining 20 points will roll over to the following year.