In Touch Magazine

In Touch is an exclusive AKA member-only, kinesiology specific magazine that brings you the latest in kinesiology developments, news and events. Published quarterly on 1st March, 1st June, 1st Sept and 1st December, the magazine is an invaluable resource for our members and avenue for advertising for the wider community.

In Touch is available as a B&W printed copy magazine with 8 colour pages. $42 for 4 issues (member price).

Contact the AKA office, if you would like to subscribe.

Articles | Advertising | Guidelines for Course Profile (pdf) | Free Ad Conditions (pdf) | Guidelines for My Favourite… (pdf) | Guidelines for Practitioner Profile (pdf)


The deadline for submissions to the In Touch editor is the 10th of the month prior to publication; 10 Feb, 10 May, 10 Aug, 10 Nov.

Receipt of articles or advertising copy does not imply publication of same.

AKA reserves the right to alter guidelines/specifications without notice.

Contact the editor, Katie Burke, if you would like to contribute an article.

Submission Dates

IssueSubmission DatePublication Date
Summer10 November1 December
Autumn10 February1 March
Winter10 May1 June
Spring10 August1 September



The purpose of the magazine In Touch is to serve AKA members and assist in the promotion of kinesiology. Content must be consistent with AKA policy. The Editor reserves the right to make any adjustments necessary. Reasonable efforts will be made to consult with authors on major edits where time allows. Information must be true and accurate. Any claims made must be validated through referencing and research. No discriminatory or offensive material will be published.

Receipt of articles or advertising copy does not imply publication of same.

Article Guidelines

Content Articles should be of professional interest to those in the kinesiology community, to challenge experienced kinesiologists and encourage novices. Case studies and research articles are welcome. Informative articles on wellbeing are also encouraged.

Articles should not be “advertorials” for modalities, products, services, courses etc. These will not be accepted and no correspondence will be entered into.
LengthFeature articles 1,500 to 2,200 words. Longer articles may be submitted at the discretion of the Editor and may be spread over 2 parts/editions.

Smaller articles 600 to 1,200 words.
ReferencingAPA 6 or higher.
Submit to the editor,, by email as a Word or Pages document.
Photos, images and logos to be supplied separately as JPGs and clearly labelled.
Image size should be at least 500kb, preferably 1mb per image, larger is acceptable.
Images must be 100% free of copyright. Attributions and links to source must be provided unless your own work.
Preferably use Dropbox to share images with
AuthorPlease include a biography containing AKA membership level and contact details totalling a maximum of 100 words along with a headshot photo.



Advertising for the In Touch magazine is open to the general public.

Please note that all advertising must be pre-paid with a tax receipt provided upon payment.

Contact the editor, Katie Burke, to advertise your services or product.

Advertising Policy & Waiver

This Advertising Policy outlines the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc.’s policy and procedures
for In Touch magazine advertising.

Any entity advertising in In Touch is required to acknowledge the “In Touch Advertising
Agreement and Waiver.”

AKA Inc. Advertising Policy

In Touch Advertising Agreement & Waiver

Advertising Rates

All prices are inclusive of GST.

Type of AdvertisingSizeSpecs (w x h)MembersNon-Members
Display AdvertisingFull Page180 x 255$110.00$115.00
Half page (horizontal)180 x 128$69.00$79.00
Half page (vertical)88 x 255$69.00$79.00
Quarter page (horizontal)180 x 70$39.00$49.00
Quarter page (vertical)93 x 130$39.00$49.00
Classified / Line AdvertisingMinimum 30 words, maximum 60 words$1.10 per word$1.65 per word

Note: text such as “half-day/full/weekly” etc. will be counted as separate words, not one word.

PaymentAll advertising is pre-paid directly to the AKA office by either EFT or Debit/Credit card (via Stripe). Tax receipt will be emailed upon receipt of payment.

Note: Overseas EFT payments may incur bank charges which the advertiser must pay on top of advertising rate.
EFT DetailsReference: Be sure to write your name, followed by the word AD or ADVERT
Email the AKA office to inform payment has been made:
Email payment receipt to editor:

Advertising guidelines

Content may include
  • Courses, workshops and practice nights, accredited by the AKA CAB
  • Accommodation for above
  • Product/s commonly used by kinesiologists, EXCLUDING dietary supplements, herbs, homoeopathics
  • Services by Registered Practitioners and Registered Instructors
  • Room/s For Lease, Practitioners Wanted etc.
  • Other goods or services approved by the Editor and AKA
Non-accredited Advertising
  • Products and services that are NOT kinesiology related may be published at the discretion of the Editor.
  • Non-accredited kinesiology courses must include the following statement in their ad: ‘Note: This course is not AKA accredited and cannot be used towards AKA registration’.
  • RTO’s/Colleges that are not AKA accredited may not advertise.
Submission FormatSubmit to the editor via Dropbox or email in JPG, PDF or Word doc. PREFERABLY a high resolution pdf file, sometimes called ‘press quality’.
Choose a high resolution option rather than a low resolution option when converting the files.
Images including logos to be supplied separately as JPG and clearly labelled. Email size should
not exceed 1MB.

The AKA reserves the right to alter guidelines/specifications without notice.