Kinesiology Training Pathways
Want to become a kinesiologist? Your journey starts here.
When choosing an instructor or College/Registered Training Organisation (Certificate IV or Diploma provider) make sure they are accredited with the AKA. This will enable you to join the AKA at the completion of your studies.
The AKA reserves the right to accredit courses to ensure that instructors and colleges are offering value for money and giving kinesiology students real skills that allow you to succeed in a clinical setting.
The following outlines the accepted pathways to become a kinesiologist and become registered with the AKA. There are two pathways, via a Registered Training Organisation and via Workshops. While a Diploma is the most straightforward means of gaining accreditation, the Workshop pathway can be derived from different types of kinesiology. The number of different types of kinesiology is vast and can be explored further by browsing the AKA accredited courses list.

AKA Accredited Registered Training Organisations offering the Diploma of Kinesiology
Below are short presentations from the AKA’s Accredited Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) that offer the Diploma of Kinesiology (HLT 52415) in Australia. These RTOs have been stringently examined to ensure the very best in their graduates, ensuring your diploma is of the highest standard in Australia.
Accredited Course Categories
Every AKA accredited course will belong to one of the following categories and be allocated hours. These hours can be used towards a practitioner membership application. Click here for information about different levels of membership and the hours required for each level.
- RTO Course – A course, usually a Diploma or Certificate IV, accredited with both ASQA and the AKA.
- Category A – A beginning course. There are no pre-requisites. Includes instruction of the fundamental basics of kinesiology skills.
- Category B – An intermediate or advanced course and has a Category A course as a prerequisite.
- (Category CPD – CPD Classes for Additional Skills Training. Classes that extend students’ knowledge; personal and professional development; additional skills training relative to the profession. Does not require assessments and cannot be used for practitioner registration.) Please note that Category CPD is under review. If you require any further information, please contact the AKA Administration Office.
- Non Kinesiology Courses
- Anatomy and Physiology (A&P)
- Nutrition (Nut)
- Communication Skills (Comm)
- Business Management (BM)
- Work Practices, WHS, Legal, Ethics, etc
- Marketing including social media
- Some AKA accredited courses consist of workbook hours, which are 66% of the nominal hours or as determined by CAB.
If you have completed a course that is currently not listed and/or require information for practitioner registration please contact the AKA Office to check past status.