Origins and History of Kinesiology
Nikki Heuskes,
AKA Accredited Kinesiologist“Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines which use the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well-being. It combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and accesses the life enhancing potential within the individual.” (Definition approved by the Australian Kinesiology Association 1999, amended in 2006)
What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a non-invasive, client centred, wholistic and integrative modality which requires utilising the skills of muscle monitoring (as a verification or biofeedback mechanism) for anatomical, physiological and psychological stressors within the person.
Initial research began in the 1960’s when Dr. George Goodheart DC, discovered that muscle testing could be used to gather information from the body.
Muscle testing involves challenging the bio-feedback mechanism present in all muscles to reveal imbalances within the body. At its most simple, it involves gentle pressure on a midpoint of any particular muscle. The ‘read out’, or findings may present in various ways causing symptoms and issues. (An extensive list is written below).
Debbie Rossi,
AKA Accredited KinesiologistThis system was called ‘Applied Kinesiology’ and it led to many chiropractors embracing Chinese medicine techniques, utilising acupressure on points of the meridian system.
Kinesiology uses non-invasive scientific techniques to maintain health in the physical body, emotional self and spiritual aspects of our lives. Kinesiology uses the premise that the body can heal itself given the right environment.
Australians spend over $1 billion annually on therapies not part of mainstream medicine. Kinesiology is one of the fastest growing of these and is now practised in over 100 countries. In Australia, we have a growing number of professional practitioners registered with the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA), along with some world renowned kinesiology researchers and teachers.
The real goal of any kinesiology ‘balance’ is to identify the bottom line cause of any imbalance and then resolve it. The imbalance may be nutritional, emotional, structural, psychological, energetic or even spiritual – something as simple as an ‘attitude’, or a forgotten memory.
At a subconscious level, the person is already aware of what
is needed to facilitate healing. What kinesiology is able to do, in a
therapeutic sense, is to access that information in order to assist the natural
healing process.
Stresses Cause Imbalances in the Body
Stresses occur in our life everyday however if they are not properly dealt with by the body they may create an imbalance which may present as:
- Addiction
- Allergy
- Anxiety
- Impaired Athletic performance
- Autoimmune Issues
- Cardiovascular Issues
- Concentration / learning difficulties
- Depression
- Detox and nutritional support
- Digestive issues (bloating, intolerance, reflux, etc)
- Dyslexia and other learning disorders.
- Eczema
- Environmental toxicity (pollution, chemical)
- Fatigue
- Fears and Phobias
- Hormonal imbalances
- Immune system issues (coughs, colds, immune support)
- Limiting beliefs
- Physical pain issues (eg: back, neck, migraines)
- Phobias
- Psoriasis
- Reproductive health (men and women)
- Sleep issues
- Trauma
- Weight loss (or excess body fat )
These are all areas that a kinesiology balance may assist your body in correcting. Kinesiology may also be beneficial for:
- Goal setting
- Confidence Boosting
- General Health Maintenance
- Personal development
The Kinesiologist obtains feedback from the client via muscle monitoring and identifies the non-invasive strategies, applying these as required for the client. This enables the client to reduce their physical, emotional, energetic and mental stressors and to positively affect their health and well-being.
Practitioners may be self-employed as independent practitioners or work in a professional centre with other practitioners of different qualifications.
It is important to note that kinesiologists do not diagnose or treat any specific disorder, disease or symptom. Rather, kinesiologists correct the underlying energies in the body that allows the body, itself, to heal.
The Various AKA Accredited Modalities of Kinesiology
The following have been accredited by the AKA to provide kinesiology training:
- Accessing the Power of the Eight Extraordinary Channels (APEC)
- Applied Physiology
- Aromatic Kinesiology
- Body & Soul
- Counselling Kinesiology
- Cranial Kinesiology
- Dynamic Kinesiology
- Edu-K
- Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology
- Integrated Healing
- Kinergetics
- Kinesiology Excellence
- Mind Body Medicine (MBM)
- Neural Organization Technique (NOT)
- Neuro Training Kinesiology (NT)
- Neuroenergetic Kinesiology (NK)
- Neurolinguistic Kinesiology (NLK)
- Professional Kinesiology Practitioner (PKP)
- Qi Touch Kinesiology
- Reflexes Kinesiology
- International Rhythmic Movement Training (iRMT)
- Soul Power Kinesiology
- Three in One Concepts
- Transformational Kinesiology
- Touch for Health (TFH)
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) include:
A full list of accredited courses and workshops is here.