Every AKA accredited course will belong to one of the following categories and be allocated hours. These hours can be used towards a practitioner membership application. Click here for information about different levels of membership and the hours required for each level.
When choosing an instructor or College/Registered Training Organisation (Diploma provider) make sure they are accredited with the AKA. This will enable you to join the AKA at the completion of your studies. The AKA reserves the right to accredit courses to ensure that instructors and colleges are offering value for money and giving kinesiology students real skills that allow you to succeed in a clinical setting.
Kinesiology Courses
- Category A – Include instruction of the fundamental basics of kinesiology skills.
- Category B – Assumes you have gained foundation skills via category A subjects and may be an advanced level course.)
Important Notes
- The AKA Practitioner Registration Board (PRB) will only accept Kinesiology qualifications that have been approved by the AKA Course Accreditation Board (CAB).
- Category A and Catgeory B courses can be used for practitioner registration and Continuing Professional Development (CPD). If you have completed a course that is currently not listed and/or require information for practitioner registration, please contact the AKA Office to check past status.
- Category CPD courses can only be used for CPD (i.e. cannot be used for practitioner registration). Please note that Category CPD is under review. If you require any further information, please contact the AKA Administration Office.
Below is a list of courses currently accredited by the Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. Course Accreditation Board (CAB) including both workshops and Registered Training Organisations (RTOs).
A&P = Anatomy and Physiology
HS = Home Study
A = Category A: Foundation kinesiology courses
BM = Business Management
Nut = Nutrition
B = Category B: Specialised courses (require foundation kinesiology as pre-requisite)
Comm = Communication
WB = Work Book
List of Fully Accredited Kinesiology & Practitioner Courses (as of 1st March 2024)
AKA Accredited Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) offering Diploma of Kinesiology, HLT 52415
College of Complementary Medicine: NSW | www.complementary.com.au |
College of Kinesiology: QLD | www.kinesiologycollege.edu.au |
Kinesiology Schools Australia (KSA): VIC, QLD, NSW
| www.kinesiologyschoolsaustralia.com.au |
NK Institute: QLD, NSW, VIC, WA
| www.nkinstitute.com |
O’Neill Kinesiology College, WA | www.oneillcollege.com.au |
WORKBOOK HOURS: AKACAB accredited approved kinesiology workbook hours: 66% of the nominal hours or as determined by CAB.
AKA Accredited Kinesiology Courses
Basics of Life – Marco Rado | B | 16 |
Coming to Grips with Learning – Bernard Carson/Shangh Sangster | B
| 22
Comprehensive Kinesiology 1- Kylie Bryan | B | 140 |
Comprehensive Kinesiology 2- Kylie Bryan | B | 140 |
Creative Nutrition – Gerry Gallagher | B | 24 |
Essence of Change – Gerry Gallagher | B | 24 |
Five Elements BioEnergetics I – Damien Brown | B | 29 |
Five Elements BioEnergetics II – Damien Brown | B | 29 |
Five Elements BioEnergetics III – Damien Brown | B | 29 |
Foot Joint Mobilisation (2 Day Course) – Peter Morningstar | B/ A&P | 16 |
Healing Innately- Irene Oram | B | 24 |
Heart Healing – Toni Lilley | A | 65 |
Integrative Neurocardiology – Marco Rado | B | 21 |
Kinesiology Applications 2 – Guy Bennett | B
| 16
Restore Your Vitality- Nicola Barrett | B | 8 |
Simply The Brain – Jacque Mooney | B/ A&P | 24/ 12 |
Simply the Brain 2 – The Brain and Body Glands – Jacque Mooney | B/ 50%A&P | 72 |
Transforming DNA Memories in Theta & Delta – Irene Oram/Sylvia Marina | B/ Comm | 40 |
AROMATIC KINESIOLOGY – Robbi Zeck | Categ. | Hrs |
Aromatic Kinesiology 1 | B | 24 |
Aromatic Kinesiology 2 | B | 24 |
BIO HARMONICS – Guy Bennett (Diploma provider) | Categ. | Hrs |
Advanced Muscle Monitoring | B | 40 |
Bio Harmonics | B | 60 |
Chakra Awakenings 1 | B | 40 |
Cranial Kinesiology | B | 60 |
Introduction to Physiology Applications | B | 40 |
Kinesiology Coaching | B | 100 |
Kinesiology Foundation Program 1 | A | 40 |
Kinesiology Foundation Program 2 | A | 40 |
Kinesiology Foundation Program 3 | A | 40 |
Kinesiology Foundation Program 4 | A | 40 |
Kinesiology Practical Applications | A | 40 |
Neuro Physiology 1 | B | 60 |
Nutrition & Physiology Applications 1 | B | 40 |
Nutrition & Physiology Applications 2 | B | 40 |
Nutrition & Physiology Applications 3 | B | 40 |
Nutrition & Physiology Applications 4 | B | 40 |
Principles of Energy Medicine | B | 40 |
Structural Fundamentals 1 | B | 40 |
Structural Fundamentals 2 | B | 40 |
Structural Fundamentals 3 | B | 60 |
Structural Paradigm | B | 60 |
Aura Balancing Kinesiology | B | 26 |
Chakra Healing Kinesiology | B | 26 |
Kineasy Intro Course | A | 26 |
Mastery of the Five Elements Core Essence & Character | B | 26 |
Meridian Rivers of Chi Kinesiology | B | 42 |
Transpersonal Chakra Kinesiology (TCK) | B | 26 |
ICPKP (Rep Susan Koschel) | Categ. | Hrs |
BKP 101: Energisers and Self Testing | A | 30 |
BKP102: Manual Muscle Testing | A | 30 |
BKP103: The Chinese 5 Elements | A | 30 |
BKP104: Kinesiology & Superficial Connections | A | 30 |
BKP105: 5 Elements in-depth | B | 30 |
BKP106: Professional Skills Balancing Protocol & Data Base | B | 30 |
BKP107: Pain Reduction | B | 30 |
BKP108: Balancing with Food | B | 30 |
BKP109: Advanced Muscle Techniques – Reactivity and Posture | B | 30 |
ECO 6.201: Lifestyle & Dietary Modification | B/ Nut | 10/ 20 |
ECO 6.202: Immune Mismatch Responses; Allergies & Sensitivities | B/ Nut | 10/ 20 |
EMS 2.201: Mastery of Emotional Stress Release | B | 30 |
EMS 2.302: Subconscious Self Perception | Comm | 30 |
JAF 5.201: TMJ & Cranials | B | 30 |
JAF 5.301: Ligaments and Joints | B | 30 |
MST 14.201: Muscle and Skin Activation | B | 30 |
MST 14.202: Shoulder, Elbow Hand Muscle Protocol | B | 30 |
MST 14.203: Hip, Leg, Foot Muscle Protocol | B | 30 |
MST 14.301:Head Neck and Torso – Core Muscles | B | 40 |
PIB 3.203: Basic Brain Integration Skills Level 1 | B | 40 |
VEF 7.201: Flower Essences | B | 30 |
VEF 7.301: Metaphysical Vibrational Energy Fields | B | 30 |
VEF 7.302: Metaphysical Energy Fields | B | 30 |
ECO 6.301: Adrenal Geopathic and Life Energy | B | 30 |
LEAP – Dr. Charles Krebs (Rep Jacque Mooney) | Categ. | Hrs |
LEAP Brain Integration 1/ Foundation Training 1 (FT 1) | B/ A&P | 32/ 56 |
LEAP Foundation Training 2 (FT 2) | B | 24/44 |
LEAP 1B Glial Cells / Foundation Training 3 (FT 3) | B/ A&P | 32/56 |
LEAP Foundation Training 4 (FT 4) | B | 24/44 |
LEAP Brain Integration 2 | B/A&P | 48/80 |
LEAP Brain Integration 3 | B/ A&P | 48/80 |
LEAP Brain Integration 4 | B/ A&P | 40/72 |
LEAP Brain Integration 5 | B/ A&P | 48/80 |
Complete Immune System | CPD | 16 |
Energetic Structure of Man and the Universe 1 | B | 24 |
Energetic Structure of Man and the Universe 2 | B | 24 |
Environmental Factors | B/ A&P | 32/56 |
Law of 5 Elements | B | 56 |
NEUROENERGETIC KINESIOLOGY – Hugo Tobar (Diploma Provider) | Categ. | Hrs |
Balancing with the 5 Elements | B | 16 |
Body Structure Hologram 1 | B | 32 |
Body Structure Hologram 2 | B | 24 |
Brain Formatting | B | 16 |
Brain Hologram A | B | 32 |
Brain Hologram B | B | 32 |
Brain Hologram C | B | 32 |
Brain Hologram D | B | 8 |
Celestial Chakra Hologram | B | 32 |
Chakra Balance | B | 16 |
Chakra Hologram 1 | B | 32 |
Chakra Hologram 2 | B | 32 |
Chakra Metaphors | B | 16 |
Genetic I-Ching | B | 24 |
Hormone Hologram 1 | B | 32 |
Hormone Hologram 2 | B | 16 |
Immune and Vaccination Pathways 1 | B/ A&P | 32 |
Immune and Vaccination Pathways 2 | B/ A&P | 24 |
Neuro Transmitter Hologram | B | 48 |
Neuro-Emotional Pathways 1 | B | 32 |
Neuro-Emotional Pathways 2 | B | 24 |
Neuro-Emotional Pathways 3 | B | 24 |
Neuro-Emotional Pathways 4 | B | 32 |
Nutrition Hologram | B | 56 |
Physiology Formatting | B | 16 |
Primitive Reflexes and Brain Stem | B | 16 |
Primitive Reflexes and Brain Stem 2 | B | 16 |
Primitive Reflexes and Brain Stem 3 | B | 32 |
Principles of Kinesiology (1-4) | A | 146 |
Sound & Light Healing | B | 8 |
TOUCH FOR HEALTH (TFH) – Dr. John Thie (Rep Louise Barrett) | Categ. | Hrs |
TFH Synthesis: | | |
TFH 1 | A | 16 |
TFH 2 | A | 16 |
TFH 3 | A | 16 |
TFH 4 | A | 16 |
TFH Training Workshop | B | 64 |
TFH Metaphor Workshop | B | 16 |
TFH Proficiency | A | 16 |
TFH Practical Exercises | A | 60 |
TFH Continuing Education | B | 15 |
Eat Right, Live Right | B | 3 |
Healthy Pet | B | 7 |
Kinesiology for Kids | B | 3 |
Perceptive Vision | B | 3 |
TFH Consultant | A/B | 140/80 |
APEC 1 | B | 16 |
APEC 2 | B | 16 |
APEC 3 | B | 16 |
APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY – Richard Utt (Rep Jacque Mooney) | Categ. | Hrs |
5 Houses of Chi | B | 24 |
7 Chi Keys | B | 72 |
Advanced Applied Physiology | B | 56 |
Amino Acids | B | 16 |
Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain | B/ A&P | 80 |
Advanced Acupressure | B | 56 |
Attitude with Essence | A | 24 |
Auditory Dyslexia Hologram | B | 10 |
Basketweaver | B | 16 |
Canopener | B | 16 |
Cell Hologram | B | 24 |
Centering: cloacals, gaits & hyoids | B | 16 |
Cranials | B | 16 |
Gall Bladder Master | B | 16 |
Holographic Muscle Monitoring | A | 32 |
Large Intestine Master | B | 16 |
Liver Master | B | 16 |
Muscle Hologram | B | 40 |
Pitch, roll & jaw | B | 16 |
Salt Bath | B | 24 |
Small Intestine Master | B | 16 |
Spleen/Pancreas Master | B | 16 |
Stomach Master | B | 16 |
Tao of Blood | B/ A&P | 24 |
Tibetan Figure 8 | B | 10 |
TMJ | B | 16 |
Visual Dyslexia Hologram | B | 10 |
DYNAMIC KINESIOLOGY – Christine Ammann | Categ. | Hrs |
Dynamic Kinesiology Essentials (DKE) 1 – 4 | A/ A&P | 202/152/50 |
Dynamic Kinesiology Practitioner (DKP) 1 – 6 | B/ Comm | 203/103/50 |
Kinesiology: An Application for Professionals | A | 40 |
EDU-K – Paul and Gail Dennison (Rep Jose Toussaint) | Categ. | Hrs |
Brain Gym 101 – needs to be taken with Edu-K in Depth | A | 32 |
Brain Gym for Educators | B | 32 |
Brain Gym for Movement, Dance & Sport | B | 32 |
Brain Gym for Special Needs | A | 32 |
Brain Gym Teacher Practicum | B | 40 |
Creative Vision | B | 24 |
Dennison Whole Brain Learning | B | 16 |
Edu-K in Depth- needs to be taken with Brain Gym | A | 40 |
In Sync 1 | B | 24 |
In Sync 2 | B | 24 |
Language of Movement- Paul Dennison | B | 24 |
Movement Exploration 1 | B | 32 |
Movement Re-Education | B | 24 |
Optimal Brain Organization | B | 24 |
Physiological Basis Learning and Kinesiology | B | 16 |
Professional Principles 1-4 | B | 32 |
Total Core Repatternin | B | 24 |
Visioncircles | B | 24 |
Visioncircles Teacher Training | B | 32 |
INTEGRATED HEALING – Matilda Van Dyke/Nick Oliver (Rep Nicola Barrett) | Categ. | Hrs |
Integrated Healing Foundations | A | 8 |
Healing Foundations & Pathways | A | 24 |
Healing Body (Module 3) | B | 16 |
Healing Concepts (Module 2) | B | 24 |
Healing Mind (Module 4) | B | 16 |
Healing Pathways (Module 1) | B | 16 |
Integrated Healing Workbook Module 1 & 2 | B | 28 |
Integrated Healing Workbook Module 3 & 4 | B | 22 |
Integrated Healing Master Class 1 | B | 22 |
Integrated Healing Master Class 2 | B | 22 |
Integrated Healing Master Class 3 | B | 22 |
Integrated Healing Master Class 4 | B | 22 |
Restore Your Vitality | B | 8 |
KINERGETICS – Phillip Rafferty (Rep Germaine Byrne) | Categ. | Hrs |
Kinergetics Unit 1 | A | 16 |
Kinergetics Unit 2 | A | 16 |
Kinergetics Unit 3 | A | 16 |
Kinergetics Unit 4 | B | 16 |
Kinergetics Unit 5 | B | 16 |
Kinergetics Unit 6 | B | 16 |
Kinergetics Instructor Unit 1 | B | 31 |
Kinergetics Instructor Unit 2 | B | 23 |
Kinergetics Instructor Unit 3 | B | 23 |
Kinergetics Instructor Unit 4 | B | 23 |
Kinergetics Instructor Unit 5 | B | 16 |
MIND BODY MEDICINE (MBM) – 10003NAT – David Corby (Diploma Provider) | Categ. | Hrs |
Introduction to Kinesiology | A | 108 |
Introduction to MBM | B | 27 |
MBM 2 System | B | 71 |
MBM 3 System | B | 97 |
Emotion Spirit & Destiny & The Dao of Clinical Practise | B | 84 |
Dynamic Structure | B | 84 |
Applying Physiology & Nutrition | B | 91 |
Clinical Conditions & Clinic | B | 74 |
NEURAL ORGANISATION TECHNIQUE (NOT) – Dr. Carl Ferrerri (Rep Peter McLellan) | Categ. | Hrs |
NOT 1 | B | 32 |
NOT 2 | B | 32 |
NOT 3 | B | 32 |
Neuro Spiritual Integration – Peter McLellan | B | 32 |
NEUROLINGUISTIC KINESIOLOGY (NLK) – Wendy Bennett | Categ. | Hrs |
Neurolinguistic Kinesiology 1 | A | 30 |
Neurolinguistic Kinesiology 2 | A | 30 |
Neurolinguistic Kinesiology 3 | B | 50 |
Neurolinguistic Kinesiology 4 | B | 50 |
Neurolinguistic Kinesiology 5 | B | 60 |
Neurolinguistic Kinesiology 6
| B | 50 |
Neurolinguistic Kinesiology 7- Instructor Training | B | 60 |
Qi TOUCH KINESIOLOGY – Marguerite Wetton | Categ. | Hrs |
Qi Touch Kinesiology | A | 40 |
REFLEXES KINESIOLOGY – Brendan O’Hara | Categ. | Hrs |
Primitive & Postural Reflexes Level 1 | B | 16 |
Primitive & Postural Reflexes Level 2 | B | 32 |
Movement, The Brain and Learning | B | 16 |
RMT 1 – RMT for Focus, Organisation & Comprehension | B | 16 |
RMT 2 – RMT for Emotions, Memory & Behaviour | B | 8 |
RMT 3 – RMT for Reading & Writing | B | 16 |
Face the Fear | B | 16 |
SIPS- Ian Stubbings | Categ. | Hrs |
SIPS 1 | B | 24 |
SIPS 2 | B | 24 |
SIPS BAP | B | 16 |
SOUL POWER KINESIOLOGY – Catherine North | Categ. | Hrs |
Soul Power Kinesiology Foundation Course | A | 26 |
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 2 | A | 26 |
Soul Power Kinesiology Level 3 | A | 26 |
Soul Power Kinesiology Levels 4 to 6 | B | 78 |
TRANSFORMATIONAL KINESIOLOGY- Grethe Fremming (Rep Pam Sussman) | Categ. | Hrs |
Optimal Integration (formerly TK Foundation) | A | 15 |
Transformational kinesiology (TK) 1 | A | 37.5 |
Transformational Kinesiology (TK) 2 | B | 37.5 |
Transformational Kinesiology (TK) 3 | B | 37.5 |
Transformational Kinesiology (TK) 4 | B | 37.5 |
Transformational Kinesiology (TK) 5 | B | 37.5 |
Inner Leadership 1 | B | 15 |
Inner Leadership 2 | B | 15 |
Energetic Anatomy 1 | B | 37.5 |
TOUCH FOR HEALTH SCHOOLS- Maurizio Piva (Rep Louise Barrett) | Categ. | Hrs |
Touch For Health Schools – Maurizio Piva (Rep Louise Barrett) | B | 20 |
AKA Accredited Communications Courses
Course | Categ. | Hrs |
Counselling Kinesiology 1 – Resolving Emotional Stress – Gordon Dickson | Comm/B | 116 |
Counselling Kinesiology 2 – Empowering Relationships – Gordon Dickson | Comm/B | 40 |
Dynamic Communication – T.Lilley, A. McRobert & A. Mitchell | Comm | 60 |
Establish and Manage Client Relationships – Toni Lilley | Comm | 50 |
First Aid for Emotional Trauma – Kinesiology Excellence Seminars | Comm | 16 |
Chi Touch Conscious Communicating – Marguerite Wetton | Comm | 24 |
Chi Touch Conscious Parenting – Marguerite Wetton | Comm | 24 |
Transforming DNA Memories in Theta & Delta – Irene Oram/Sylvia Marina | Comm/B | 40 |
| | |
COMMON UNITS DELIVERED THROUGH RTO’S AKA accepts Health Training Package (HLT) common units delivered by RTO’s qualified to deliver HLT common units | | |
AKA Accredited Business Management Courses
Course | Categ. | Hrs |
Spirit in Practice – Robbie Zeck | BM | 50 |
Professional Practise Management for Kinesiologists – Toni Lilley | BM | 50 |
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UNITS DELIVERED THROUGH RTO’s AKA also accepts government accredited Business Managment courses | | |
AKA Accredited Anatomy & Physiology Courses
Course | Categ. | Hrs |
HLTAAP002 Anatomy and Physiology – NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology Institute | A&P | 90 |
HLTAAP003 Anatomy and Physiology – NeuroEnergetic Kinesiology Institute | A&P | 60 |
Anatomy & Physiology – Toni Lilley | A&P | 100 |
Anatomy & Physiology of the Brain (Applied Physiology) | B/A&P | 48/80 |
Dynamic Kinesiology 1 – Christine Ammann | A/A&P | 102/50 |
Dynamic Kinesiology 2 – Christine Ammann | A/A&P | 102/50 |
Dynamic Kinesiology 3 – Christine Ammann | A/A&P | 102/50 |
Dynamic Kinesiology 4 – Christine Ammann | A/A&P | 102/50 |
Foot Joint Mobilisation (1 Day Course) – Peter Morningstar | A&P | 8 |
Foot Joint Mobilisation (2 Day Course) – Peter Morningstar | B/A&P | 16 |
Immune & Vaccination Pathways 1 – Hugo Tobar | B/A&P | 32 |
Immune & Vaccination Pathways 2 – Hugo Tobar | B/A&P | 24 |
LEAP Brain Integration 1 / Foundation Training 1 (FT 1) | B/A&P | 32/56 |
LEAP Foundation Training 2 (FT 2) | B/A&P | 24/44 |
LEAP 1B Glial Cells / Foundation Training 3 (FT 3) | B/A&P | 32/56 |
LEAP Foundation Training 4 (FT 4) | B/A&P | 24/44 |
Leap Brain Integration 3 (Charles Krebs) | B/A&P | 80 |
Leap Brain Integration 4 (Charles Krebs) | B/A&P | 88 |
Simply the Brain – Jacque Mooney | B/A&P | 24/12 |
Tao of Blood (Applied Physiology) | B/A&P | 12/12 |
| | |
A & P UNITS DELIVERED THROUGH RTO’s AKA also accepts government accredited A&P courses | | |
AKA Accredited Work Health & Safety Courses
Course | Categ. | Hrs |
Manage Workplace Health and Safety HLTWHS004 – Jenne Burns | WHS | 40 |
| | |
WHS UNITS DELIVERED THROUGH RTO’s AKA also accepts government accredited Work Health and Safety courses | | |