Infection Control Units

As health practitioners, kinesiologists are expected to be familiar with and implement infection control guidelines; it is a government requirement that we must demonstrate a COVIDSafe Plan, to help prevent the introduction of coronavirus (COVID-19) to the workplace. As of 25th December 2020, the unit HLTINFCOV001, is listed as an elective in the Diploma of Kinesiology, HLT52415. 

For clarity, if you hold a Certificate IV in Kinesiology (HLT42812 or HLT42807) or Diploma of Kinesiology (HLT52415 or HLT51507), you are not required to complete any further training to satisfy an infection control requirement as your course already included this training as a core unit. 

Units of competency covering infection control that are accepted by the AKA include: HLTINFCOV001, HLTWHS003, HLTWHS004, HLTINF001, HLTINF003, HLTINF004, the newly released HLTINF006 and HLTINF007 and any superseded releases including HLTIN301C.  If you have done an infection control unit that is not listed above, please contact the office ( to seek clarification. 

If you became an AKA registered Practitioner, Level 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6 prior to 31st December, 2020 please check your qualifications to ensure you have completed an infection control component. If you have not completed an infection control component as part of your qualifications the AKA strongly recommend the HLTCOVINF001 or HLTINF006 infection control module (or equivalent) be completed.

If you became an AKA registered Practitioner, Level 4, 5 or 6 on or after 1st January, 2021, the HLTCOVINF001 or HLTINF001 infection control module (or equivalent) is compulsory.  You have until the 31st December, 2021 to complete HLTCOVINF001 or HLTINF001 or equivalent infection control module to maintain your Practitioner membership status. If this module has not been completed by 31st December, 2021, membership will be revoked until such time as compliance has been made.

Click here to see if you are be eligible for the government subsidised infection control training:  

It is important to note that HLTINF001/HLTINFCOV001 is a comprehensive unit covering items such as:

  • Hand and respiratory hygiene
  • Hand care (such as covering cuts and abrasions)
  • Choosing and using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Disposal of contaminated waste
  • Environmental cleaning
  • Handling equipment preventing skin and mucous membrane exposure, contamination of clothing and transfer of pathogens
  • Identify and respond to situations where additional precautions may be required to prevent transmission of infection
  • Identify, manage and assess hazards and risks

You can study this unit by searching for ‘HLTSS00064’ (this is a skill set containing only HLTINF001), ‘HLTINF001’ or ‘HLTINFCOV001’. Click here for a list of providers of HLTSS00064. Examples of providers include:

Note these are examples only, the AKA do not explicitly recommend or endorse these institutions.

Australian Kinesiology Association

The Australian Kinesiology Association is a not-for-profit, leading industry body. Supporting kinesiologists and maintaining the highest standards for the profession, the association connects and supports Australian kinesiologists while advocating for the profession.

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